When choosing a floor covering for the iguana's cage, it's important to keep in mind that the iguana may chew on the covering and become sick. Newspaper works very well as a covering, but a piece of carpet is suitable as well. The carpet can be cleaned and disinfected, when necessary. Some people use alfalfa pellets instead. The rabbit food works well and is not toxic to the iguana. Do not use sand, gravel, shavings, or wood chips.
Having a good light is imperative for your iguana's health. When possible, expose the iguana to real sunlight, as long as outdoor temperatures are at least 70 degrees. Black lights and fluorescent lights will suffice as a light source for your iguana's cage but avoid plant grow lights which won't work. Ultraviolet rays from the light should be given for ten to twelve hours per day and turned off at night. Keep the light about 18 inches away from the iguana, but no further.
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